Saturday, January 10, 2009

Brooklyn Mae Burgin

So Brooke is finally here!!! Here are the stats on my baby girl:
Weight: 7lbs, 7 oz
Length: 19 1/4 inches
Time: 10:27a.m
Date: 01/06/09
Other: She's got a full head of hair, beautiful eyes, that where open for about the first 2 hours (she was really peaceful and just looking around), she only cried when they poked her and bathed her.

This was a very peaceful delivery. Of course it was a c-section and planned, but the process (including Alicia's recovery) seems so much easier. We are back at home. Alicia is doing fabulous and up and about. Brooke is being extremely curious about her surroundings constantly looking around.

Ray is taking good care of his baby sister and makes sure she has plenty of kisses. He even gave her his favorite blanky to borrow for a little while. He has acted out a little, but I think this is because Daddy has been up at work and comes home and goes to bed as I am up helping Alicia feed, burp, and clean Brooke every 2 hours. So we don't get our good rough housing time in and haven't gotten it for about 3 days now. Tomorrow is a day just for him so he is well cared for and he'll have plenty of opportunity to beat me up.
Here are some pics:

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